Webinar Invitation: What's New in Jedox 7.1

From: Olga Kutyavina <olga.kutyavina_at_jedox.com>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2017 09:37:47 +0000 (UTC)

Join our free webinar "What's New in Jedox 7.1" and learn how you can take advantage of the latest Jedox version in your daily work.

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Coming soon: The new Jedox version 7.1

Dear ,

The new Jedox 7.1 will be released end of November.

Learn more about exciting new features and functionalities in the next generation of Jedox software and register now for our free webinar "What's New in Jedox 7.1" (http://hs-366864.t.hubspotemail.net/e1t/sc/*V_R9NW1TsKDRW2Wc0WW4nB0H10 ) (November 29th, 2pm CET).

REGISTER NOW (http://hs-366864.t.hubspotemail.net/e1t/sc/*V3KDsF815lBtVv8JTF7WV-SP0 )

You will also get the inside scoop on innovative topics such as Jedox Cloud, our brand-new Marketplace for partner solutions & Jedox Models, as well as Advanced Analytics in Jedox.

Click here (http://hs-366864.t.hubspotemail.net/e1t/sc/*W2bvWmH4W1m_1W78DDnL2lCDdg0 ) to get a quick overview of key new features in Jedox 7.1.

Best regards,
Olga Kutyavina
Jedox AG



2 - 3 PM CET

Raising the Bar for Speed and Ease in Enterprise Planning - with the all-new Jedox 7.1

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Jedox AG Bismarckallee 7a Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg 79098 Deutschland
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