[ Statement Review Account ] Reminders : Please update your billing info before make a purchase.

From: PayPal Transaction <no-replymailaccountreportactivity050_at_authflow-paypal-secure.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2018 15:50:41 +0000

 Notice of Policy Updates
*Hello: *

We are making some changes to the Paypal User Agreement, Paypal Privacy
Policy, Paypal Here Agreement and the Paypal Website Payments Pro and
Virtual Terminal Agreement that will go into effect on January 25, 2018. If
you're interested in more detail. Updates include:

   - We’re updating the list of items that will not be eligible for Paypal
   Purchase Protection or Seller Protection.
   - We’re revising the set off rights by removing the 180 day past due
   - We’re updating our list of restricted activities.
   - We’re notifying you of the movement and processing of information to
   cloud-based service providers.
   - We’ve updated the "Payment Method Used for My Transaction" section to
   describe changes that give you more control and choice in how you want to
   - We’re changing some of the fees we charge.

These changes, along with the others detailed on our Policy Updates Page
<https://kck.to/8Vqq6V5> , will become effective January 25, 2018 for all
U.S. users. We encourage you to review the Policy Update and familiarize
yourself with the changes that are being made. If you do not agree to these
amendments, you may close your account before January 26, 2018.

Thank you for being a Paypal customer.

Received on Fri Jan 26 2018 - 16:50:49 CET

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