Webinar invitation: Virtual Patching - protection against vulnerabilities and Zero-Day threats

From: Trend Micro <biuro_at_trendmicro.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 05:01:41 -0500 (CDT)

Dear none

<p>The burden of deploying application and OS patches is what IT administrators and security teams take on their shoulders every day. Complex process of testing and installing needs to be repeating in cycles because old vulnerabilities don&rsquo;t go away and new ones appear.</p> <p>What if we were able to buy some patching time and at the same time speed up the shorten the time to full protection? Maybe it would be possible to patch virtually even before the software vendor releases the official update? Without manual intervention?</p> <p>Get to know more about Trend Micro Virtual Patching technologies &ndash; join our free webinar!</p>


Robin Bay
Sales Engineer, Trend Micro


Best regards,

Trend Micro

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12.04.2018, 11:00 CET
 Virtual Patching - protection against vulnerabilities and Zero-Day threats

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