<br style="font-size:18px;line-height:1.5em;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:#333333">Hello none,<br style="font-size:18px;line-height:1.5em;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:#333333">
Did you hear what happened yesterday? Well if you didn't let me
put you up to speed...Yesterday, fellow instructor Chris Liepe
and I re-launched the Ultimate Ear online program which promises
to change the way you hear music and in turn make you a much
better musician.I know... that is a pretty crazy promise and I
already hear some of you saying that they are tone deaf.Wrong!!
As a matter of fact, the course will prove to you right from the
very first video that you are not tone deaf.You do not need to
have a perfect ear. You do not need to be born with "the gift" (I
sure wasn't!).
Ultimate Ear takes the guessing out of ear training. The course
has been carefully planned to make you a much better listener.
Your ear will get trained by simply watching the videos.So why
would anyone train their ears? Hah! I'm glad you asked.With your
newly trained ears, you will be able to instantly play better
musical lines that truly reflect your personality. You will also
be able to learn new songs and licks without having to spend
hours searching on the fretboard to figure out how to play what
you are hearing. And that is only the tip of the iceberg.There
are so many benefits to having a trained ear.
Click the link below to discover this revolutionary course. You
won't regret it!
Click here to sign up to Ultimate Ear (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/d0uzglz7kkbmumgz2g/owhkhqhkg705zd/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvdWx0aW1hdGUtZWFyLz9wcm9kdWN0X2lkPTY0Mjg2MCZjb3Vwb25fY29kZT1IRUFSR09PRA== )
PS: don't want to hear about this course anymore? Click here (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/d0uzglz7kkbmumgz2g/xmud82rqf6hr9l4xgv/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvZW1haWxz ) to stop getting emails about
Ultimate Ear!
Unsubscribe (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/u/d0uzglz7kkbmumgz2g ) | Update your
profile (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/preferences/d0uzglz7kkbmumgz2g ) |
PO Box 273353, Fort Collins, CO 80527
Received on Wed Mar 13 2019 - 18:23:44 CET