Before we get started, excellent comments on the first two
videos. Thanks!!
I absolutely love seeing musicians break free and start sounding
more like themselves. There is only one YOU and the musical story
that you have to share is a beautiful one. I love it!
Today's video covers one of my favorite topics - speaking
musically. The concept I'm about to share with you is super
simple, yet it has helped me get more in touch with who I am on
the instrument. The awesome thing is that you already do it when
you speak. Let's dive in!
Now, before you dig into the content, here is the big news & a
tease about what's coming out tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning I will send you a special invitation to get an
incredibly good package I've put together just for you: The
Ultimate Backing Track Pack. This offer is not available anywhere
else and I don't think it will ever be available publicly. Keep
an eye out for that email tomorrow morning!
PS: In case you missed bookmarking the three videos (they are
staying up for a limited time), here are the links: