<br> Hello none,<br>
I received a lot of really good questions concerning the Ultimate
Backing Track bundle so I decided to make a video answering them
If you are interested in taking your practice sessions and
musical development one step further, you should check out the
video and jump on this very limited time special bundle. Doing so
will save tons of money (seriously!!) and you will have access to
the most comprehensive backing track collection out there.
I want you to know exactly what you are getting with this
fantastic bundle because
#1: You will feel inspired to play more which will result in much
better musicianship.
#2: The Ultimate Backing Track pack can sound too good to be
true (it's that good!!).
#4: This is a very limited time offer that ends very soon: this
Saturday at 11:59 MST
If you want to skip the reading, watch the video (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/n4uk4xk633cquklxow/m2h7h5hgplxv7r/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvYmFja2luZ190cmFja19wYWNrX3F1ZXN0aW9ucw== ) below!
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/n4uk4xk633cquklxow/d0ueh0h4g2xvm3/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvYmFja2luZ190cmFja19wYWNrX3F1ZXN0aW9ucw== )
Question #1: How many backing tracks come in the bundle??
The Ultimate Backing Track Pack comes with 254 full length
backing tracks, that's Over 12 hours of backing tracks. You get
backing tracks in many different genres, covering multiple keys
and multiple tempos.
If you purchase the bundle today you will also get the following
limited time bonuses:
- Guitar Modes Made Easy ($39 value)
Interactive e-book that teaches you the secrets using modes in
your music.
- Chord Scales Course ($37 value)
Full video course that teaches you how to improvise over any
chord progression using the CAGED system.
- Jam Tracks Live Masterclass ($37 value)
Full video masterclass teaching you how to approach backing track
creation and composition.
By the way, if any content gets added to the bundle down the
road, you get access to those for free too! :)
Question #2: Can I download the backing tracks?
Great question, yes you can!
Once you purchased the bundle, you ca download all the backing
tracks. The tracks are in high quality mp3 format and can be
transferred to any mp3 player device of your choice (smart phone,
tablet, computer, etc.). In addition to being able to download
the backing tracks, you can also download all the charts and
The only exception is with the videos included in the limited tie
bonuses. Those are not downloadable, however you can stream there
anywhere you want as long as you have an internet connection.
Question #3: Is this bundle for beginners too?
Absolutely! This bundle is suitable for all players regardless of
their experience. The backing tracks included were specifically
created to accompany you wherever you're at on your musical
journey. Included charts and scale diagrams will help less
experienced guitar players get up to speed fast and start
improvising in no time. More advanced players will use the
backing tracks as musical beds to develop their phrasing and
The Ultimate Backing Track Bundle is for all types of players,
you'll love it!
Question #4: How long are the backing tracks?
The tracks last about 3 minutes each. You get 254 tracks which
comes to over 12 hours of backing tracks. Each backing track has
a real intro and a real ending - no fades. This is ideal for
those of you who want to use the tracks live (see below!)
Question #5: Can I use these backing tracks in a Youtube video?
Yes!! As a matter of fact I love watching guitar players use the
tracks in videos. All I ask is that you mention somewhere in the
video that the backing tracks come from www.guitarplayback.com.
You can also use the backing tracks in your own gigs! I've done
that multiple times in the past and the tracks are awesome for
that! Just bring your guitar, an amp, and the mp3 player of your
choice for a super easy one man solo gig. The only thing you
cannot do is re-distribute or sell the backing tracks - but you
wouldn't do that, right?!?
And if you do publish a video of you playing over one of the
tracks, let me know! I love to feature your videos on the site!
Question #6: I already bought some of your tracks, can I get a
discount on the bundle?
Thanks for being a faithful customer!
I totally understand you asking for a discount, I would do the
The Ultimate Backing Track Bundle was actually put together for
previous customers. That's why I am offering it for such a low
price. I know that most of you are previous customers and most of
you already own some of the backing track packs included in this
bundle. Enjoy the huge discount before it's too late!
Question #7: Can I hear samples for the backing tracks?
Yes you can, as a matter of fact you can hear 254 samples! I
created samples for all the backing tracks.
Click For Samples! (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/n4uk4xk633cquklxow/o2ikhqhkv0ep8k/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvdWx0aW1hdGVfYmFja2luZ190cmFja19wYWNrLz9wcm9kdWN0X2lkPTYyMjEzNSZjb3Vwb25fY29kZT1PTkVUV0VOVFlTRVZFTg== )
Question #8: What is your refund policy?
I offer a full money back 10 day refund after your purchase,
however the following conditions music be met in order for your
refund to be accepted - this is very important!
- You must request your refund within 10 days after purchase
- You refund won't be accepted if you have downloaded more than
two packs in the bundle
- Only one refund per customer
Whew, I think that covers it all! If you have any questions that
haven't been answered in this email. please let me know!
PS: Saturday at 11:59 PM MST The Ultimate Backing Track Pack (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/n4uk4xk633cquklxow/pxteh9h30pem73/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvdWx0aW1hdGVfYmFja2luZ190cmFja19wYWNrLz9wcm9kdWN0X2lkPTYyMjEzNSZjb3Vwb25fY29kZT1PTkVUV0VOVFlTRVZFTg== ) will disappear!
PS: don't want to hear about this offer anymore?
Click here (
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/n4uk4xk633cquklxow/94cv0gdocnhqme802p/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3AvZW1haWxz ) to stop getting emails
about the Ultimate Backing Track pack!
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https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/u/n4uk4xk633cquklxow ) |
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https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/preferences/n4uk4xk633cquklxow ) |
PO Box 273353, Fort Collins, CO 80527
Received on Wed Apr 17 2019 - 19:17:11 CEST