<br style="font-size:18px;line-height:1.5em;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:#333333">Hello none,<br style="font-size:18px;line-height:1.5em;font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:#333333">
There is something you need to know about me... I'm a Blues
player at the core. Pentatonic licks are my to go musical lines
when facing a new solo. There is nothing like playing a heartfelt
bended note and feeling it vibrate and move the audience. No
matter how many times I've played these licks, they still speak
to me in such a powerful way. I'm sure you can relate!
But I have a secret... Every once in a while I dream of playing
fast. I don't mean Blues fast, I mean BLAZING fast. Now I'm not a
shredder by any means and yes - Blues will always be a main
aspect of my playing. But man, wouldn't it be awesome to be able
to inject some super fast licks every once in a while. I'd love
Now I know I am not alone. I know there are players out there in
the same situation who feel that need for speed. Could this be
you?If so, check out the following link, you'll find out more
about how to solve the speed issue with the brand new Simply
Sweeping course.
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/k0uqogqnppc2u9803n/27u2hoh8o5pr6q/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2suY29tL3Avc2ltcGx5c3dlZXBpbmc= )
The course is offered at an early launch price this week!See you
in the courses!David
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/k0uqogqnppc2u9803n/98izhnh627vk07/aHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tL3dhbGxpbWFubg== )
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/k0uqogqnppc2u9803n/nvfohvhxod9wqw/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vZ3VpdGFycGxheWJhY2s= )
https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/c/k0uqogqnppc2u9803n/rnt8hoh358l9d3/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbnN0YWdyYW0uY29tL2Rhdmlkd2FsbGltYW5u )
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https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/u/k0uqogqnppc2u9803n ) | Update your
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https://el2.convertkit-mail.com/preferences/k0uqogqnppc2u9803n ) |
PO Box 273353, Fort Collins, CO 80527
Received on Tue Jun 18 2019 - 19:19:54 CEST