Julia invites you to see her private photos. Accept?

From: Julia Anthony <claudio_at_vilmmimport.it>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 19:01:10 +0300

You received that letter to inform that you have 1 unopened message.

ATTENTION - if you're NOT a weirdo, please do not open the pictures I forwarded to you, by accident.
The pics weren't for you, so if you have some decency you wouldn't look at them. Under no circumstances.
Since I'm pretty broad-minded, I might offer you a deal. If you opt to not open them, I swear that I will forward better ones.?

to access the attached photos.

Company Group
6672 Iron Orchard, Merlin, UT, 84737-0145, US, (385) 018-6301
Received on Tue Sep 10 2019 - 18:01:08 CEST

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