[nanocad.com] Nanosoft announces nanoCAD Plus 11

From: Nanosoft <info_at_nanocad.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 08:48:51 +0300 (MSK)


nanoCAD Plus 11 launched!

We added dozens of new commands and features and made the user interface even more clear and consistent.
Some of new features: Digital Signature, Check Standards, OLE Objects, DWF/DWFx output.
Improvements: Usability and Productivity of the nanoCAD Environment, Visualization Speed, Spline Functions, Development Tools and API, etc.
The full list of changes can be found in the What’s new section.

All nanoCAD Plus subscribers can download nanoCAD Plus 11 here, get new serial number via personal account, and use it according to the current subscription terms.
nanoCAD Plus 11 can be purchased online. Read full press-release.

We’d like to thank you for all of your support, because we couldn’t have done nanoCAD Plus 11 without your ideas and input.

Yours truly,
Team nanoCAD

nanocad.com Administration

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