Hey http://oschadbank.online 0% на первый кредит!
I wanted to take one last email (yes, last email about this... I
promise) to tell you about Joey Tafolla's new course and make
sure you don't miss out!
I've heard from a lot of you about the musicians and music that
inspired you to pick up a guitar. For many, it's blues and the
earlier days of rock. There's just something about that (now)
"classic rock" era that just sticks with people. And I think
that's something we all strive for in our own playing... to stand
out and be memorable. We want to speak to our audience, and that
requires knowing what YOU sound like (you have your OWN musical
fingerprint!) and HOW to play like you!
We talk a lot about how to focus on playing like yourself and
honing your musical voice, and that's something that I really
like about Joey's new course... it's focused around unlocking
techniques that can give you the tools to play the creative ideas
in your head!