Webinar: Get Real-Time Monitoring for IoT Edge

From: Microsoft Azure Team <azure_at_email.microsoft.com>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 10:47:05 -0600 (CST)

Join us for our upcoming Microsoft Azure webinar.
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Azure webinar series<br/> Get Real-Time Monitoring for IoT Edge

<p>Join us to learn how to leverage machine learning, data streaming, and real-time analytics with Azure SQL Edge. See how these features are natively integrated with Azure SQL and Azure IoT Edge to enable remote monitoring, analysis, and security, in both connected and disconnected environments.</p> <p>In this webinar:</p> <ul> <li>Discover what criteria to look for in selecting an edge database and see a use case for high performance and reliability.</li> <li>Learn how to stream, store, and analyze data while it is in motion or at rest.</li> <li>Get real-time analytics and simultaneous event-processing whether online or off.</li> <li>See a real-world example on how to simplify and strengthen cloud-to-edge architecture with native upstream and downstream data movement with Azure SQL Edge, Azure SQL, and Azure IoT Edge.</li> </ul>

Azure webinar series<br/> Get Real-Time Monitoring for IoT Edge
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
10:00 AM–11:00 AM Pacific Time <br><br>Note: Registering with the button below will sign you up for this event using the email address where you received this mail as well as the full name, contact information, company, and country you previously provided. <br><br>If someone forwarded you this email, you won’t be able to use the instant registration link. <a href= "https://emails.microsoft.com/K00bJGQ60qV90nEAYu7W0E0" >Register here</a> instead.

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Microsoft Corporation<br>One Microsoft Way<br>Redmond, WA 98052


Received on Mon Nov 02 2020 - 17:47:09 CET

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