Repetition focuses more on recognizing the more worthy parts of the sentence This method offers a tool for discovering significant patterns of repetition By looking for patterns of repetition, emphasizing points are secluded, and the primary characteristic of the statement becomes more relevant For the above example, you can see a pattern when the sentence says “Shopping malls and grocery stores” Using these two nouns closely together categorizes them into divisions of marketing They are grouped together for this reason, thus the repetition of these nouns gives a generalizing category to be considered After recognizing these patterns, rephrasing the observation may also give further insight For instance, we can restate the above sentence by saying “The presence of clocks at a shopping mall or a grocery stores is limited” This new sentence paraphrases the original sentence, serves as a window to different conclusions and allows the reader to look at the sentence in a different light In this version of the sentence, it is brought to focus that the essence of the phrase lies in the fact that franchisees do not want their customers to be cognizant of the time they spend spending their money
Through many processes of analyzing this phrase, more questions can be made when concluding and developing explanations Asking questions such as “Why are clocks unavailable in these types of places?” or “What do grocery stores and malls have in common that eliminates the need for a clock?” These types of questions further aid in the understanding of the true meaning Possible solutions to these questions surface, such as “They do not have clocks because technological growth tell us that modern people wear watches” or “The owners are using this strategy to make customers spend more time in their store /mall by blinding them with no time” These conclusions help locate explanations for the meaning of various patterns of details
Although different conclusions can be made by reading this phrase about clocks in malls and grocery stores, owners of grocery stores and malls strategically do not place clocks to keep the customers focused on buying their goods Though many may skim over the fact of clocks not being present in these places, further examination concludes that there is a specific reason for this act
Received on Sun Nov 29 2020 - 12:46:04 CET