Notably, the text by Grealy titled the “Mirrors” also brings out a similar pe

From: Frank Coxon <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 21:28:49 +0000

During King’s life; the black Americans finished their movement from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party 96% of black Americans voted for Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential elections However, the quasi-feudal political structure in the south gave undue influence to the racists’ political leaders whose main purpose was to destroy King’s goals Presidents Johnson’s support of the civil right legislations clearly dominates this book King’s leadership faced a major obstacle of terror through racism The author also explains in details the violence that killed James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Lemuel Penn who found themselves in the wrong place at the correct time (Taylor 285) The non-violent philosophy of Dr King Dr King illustrated six procedures of non violent social change

Received on Mon Dec 14 2020 - 22:29:00 CET

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