Webinar: Gain Economic Value Migrating to Azure SQL

From: Microsoft Azure Team <azure_at_email.microsoft.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 12:46:07 -0600 (CST)

Join us for our upcoming Azure SQL webinar.
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Azure webinar series<br/> Gain Economic Value Migrating to Azure SQL

<p>More and more businesses migrate their SQL Server workloads to Azure to spend less time managing their databases and more time realizing the value of their data. Microsoft worked with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to understand the costs and benefits of migrating on-premises SQL Server to SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines and continuing to modernize on fully-managed Platform-as-a-Service offerings. Register today to hear guest speakers from ESG present the latest cloud database trends and provide details on the study.</p> <p>In this webinar you will learn the following:</p> <ul> <li>Top market drivers and trends in cloud migration and app modernization</li> <li>Key challenges faced by the study&rsquo;s participants prior to migration</li> <li>Quantified costs and benefits of migrating to Microsoft Azure SQL within two different scenarios: on-premises SQL Server to SQL Server on Azure VM (IaaS) and from SQL Server on Azure VM to Azure SQL managed databases (PaaS)</li> </ul>

Azure webinar series<br/> Gain Economic Value Migrating to Azure SQL
Thursday, February 11, 2021
10:00 AM–11:00 AM Pacific Time <br> <br>Note: Registering with the button below will sign you up for this event using the email address where you received this mail as well as the full name, contact information, company, and country you previously provided If someone forwarded you this email, you won’t be able to use the instant registration link. <a href= "https://emails.microsoft.com/Y0EJsxqWY00bA060qQG0bEy" >Register here</a> instead.

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Microsoft Corporation<br>One Microsoft Way<br>Redmond, WA 98052


Received on Thu Feb 04 2021 - 19:46:24 CET

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