Webinar: Modernize Your Apps with Azure SQL Managed Instance

From: Microsoft Azure Team <azure_at_email.microsoft.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 11:01:35 -0600 (CST)

Join us for our upcoming Azure webinar.

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Azure webinar series<br/> Modernize Your Apps with Azure SQL Managed Instance

<p>Migrating to the cloud and struggling with what to do with that &ldquo;long tail&rdquo; of legacy applications? Get the most out of them by modernizing with Azure SQL Managed Instance. Combining the best of on-premises SQL Server with all the benefits of a fully managed database service, SQL Managed Instance is the destination for SQL Server modernization at scale and has evolved to meet an even broader array of workload requirements that touch on performance, manageability, compatibility, and data mobility.</p> <p>Join this webinar to:</p> <ul> <li>Understand the operational and financial benefits of fully managed SQL Managed Instance.</li> <li>Learn how your applications can benefit from the latest innovations.</li> <li>See these innovations in action with in-depth product demonstrations.</li> </ul>

Azure webinar series<br/> Modernize Your Apps with Azure SQL Managed Instance
Thursday, March 11, 2021
10:00 AM–11:00 AM Pacific Time <br> <br>Note: Registering with the button below will sign you up for this event using the email address where you received this mail as well as the full name, contact information, company, and country you previously provided If someone forwarded you this email, you won’t be able to use the instant registration link. <a href= "https://emails.microsoft.com/c0Jy0bYG0qWQ6vEEO0AFo00" >Register here</a> instead.

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Microsoft Corporation<br>One Microsoft Way<br>Redmond, WA 98052


Received on Thu Feb 25 2021 - 18:01:55 CET

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