Order Fulfillment / Shipping Services

From: Order Fulfillment Specialist <contact_at_fulfillmentspecialist.us>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 16:58:49 +0200


Would you please direct me to the person that handles your Order
Fulfillment, 3PL and Shipping needs?

We are based in the US and offer warehouse services, Order Fulfillment,
Shipping and Branded Logo Products since 2005.

Here are some of the items we ship for our clients:

-E-com product drop shipping
-Books, training manuals, guides
-New member welcomes boxes and gifts
-Product samples
-Supplements, Health and Medical supplies
-M arketing materials
-Medical program test kits
-Follow up gifts to clients and prospects

Let us store it, pack it and ship it for you!

Do you have some time to discuss?

Let me know how to best reach you, and when.


Order Fulfillment Specialist
Received on Mon Apr 25 2022 - 20:05:05 CEST

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