Working '95

From: Jana Schmid from CodeWeavers <>
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2022 17:52:08 +0000 (UTC)

* Working '95 *
by: Jana Schmid
Question: What happens when a lowly marketing director takes advantage of a corporate platform while under the influence of muscle relaxers?
Answer: A post that has nothing to do with the capabilities of CrossOver, no insight on the current (or future) endeavors of CodeWeavers. A shameless, possibly pointless (unless you are paying in USD) plug for an itsy-bitsy price change.
Directions for Use: Take with a grain of salt; inflation is out of control, and the CrossOver price drop is only $0.95. Stop taking if you experience a strong nostalgia for the year 1995... or you know what... perhaps that is what we all need right now, a measly ninety-five cent price drop and a few highlights from that fabled year.
Possible Side Effects: Brief distractions from…
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