Take our brief survey, win a gift card -
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We'd like to learn about you and your needs, so that we can make
monday.com ( " style= ) better for you.
Would you mind filling out this short survey? It takes only 2
minutes and we read every single response.
We'll send a $100 Amazon.com ( " style= ) gift card 10 lucky
survey respondents, who will be selected at random.
Take the survey
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Thank you,
The monday.com ( " style= ) Team
*Eligibility to receive a gift card is
not affected by the content of your survey response.
*In order to receive a gift card, you must have your survey
response submitted by Monday, July 27th 2022.
*Typically, gift cards are sent by email within 2 weeks of your
survey response.
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Received on Wed Jul 06 2022 - 17:00:48 CEST