A note about CrossOver+ price change...and an opportunity to save 35% for our current, expired and trial users.

From: Jana Schmid from CodeWeavers <noreply_at_crossover.codeweavers.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2022 14:45:06 +0000 (UTC)

* The Struggle is Real *
by: Jana Schmid
Dear Loyal Users,
After months of living in denial about having to pass on the effects of inflation to our loyal users, we can no longer ignore the fact that it has, indeed, increased our overhead costs. Our product pricing has stayed stagnate for over 13 years. Thus, we are writing to inform you of a necessary forthcoming price increase. Except for CrossOver LifeTime, CodeWeavers will be increasing the price of CrossOver+ and renewals, effective immediately upon the release of CrossOver 22 (coming soon!).
But before that happens, we wanted to reach out to all our trial, expired, and current users and offer 35% off CrossOver+ and renewals with deal code ECON35 from August 11 – 17, 2022.
That means if you tried CrossOver and didn’t buy, you can…
Read More: https://url7685.crossover.codeweavers.com/ls/click?upn=CQrhCVEMWYBVzJ8-2BPA-2FM8Q-2B4nYJ0-2FFeZObwGroQzfu9rjDt50PdQAz3d7TFzywwGjUeWF4IVic7t03ndAmR-2BxtaUmDAbNqxDzjkwkz0lp5ptW2uoiFFB-2B2AooKWQPM5UM8gZ_ZzlfPBi6my-2FoICQeOb14xXBAGEV8vGgcYBMZPPhpU661NqUcDeIiKqCZg8RN6Mx57h-2FnnJKEJJZ1-2BFA5VgBSI82VRP3XTfYjEqLc2oDuLiXZkPgn7UYZ4kjRsmXzIVAWEJbj-2FPdRNTnBCz-2FG8Z1kXNKfEs75Lw9fYMjWRDrSh8g7QEviUzsg-2BGTCDpzUKpF5vIp3uoxTxEuV69N6pOIgNw-3D-3D
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