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###SEP sesam secures Citrix Hypervisor
SEP offers efficient, scalable and easy-to-use tools for virtual environments with its solution SEP sesam Backup and Recovery for Citrix Hypervisor. In doing so, the solution goes beyond simple VM backups and creates a solution to optimize any virtual and physical environment.
SEP sesam is a certified solution for Citrix Hypervisor and also supports the current version 8.2..
SEP thus commits to Citrix, while other backup manufacturers no longer support the latest version.
Backup is a key area in corporate ransomware protection, as cyber attacks usually aim to destroy backup data.
Generic protection programs (firewall, anti-virus software, etc.) do not provide 100% protection against ransomware, as they are often overcome by malware.
In this case Blocky4sesamTM is the last and at the same time safest line of defense for your data.