Monthly digest from MD5Online

From: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2020 04:23:37 +0000

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[ ]( # ) MD5Online
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I'm Pat from
As a MD5Online site member, I want to reach out with a quick heads up.
Here are the quick news about the website for this month.
[ ]( # ) Recent changes on the website
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New website version:
As you already know, the new version is online.
It comes with the same tools but with a different design.
Also, the premium features work differently from the previous one (you pay only when you need, instead of a monthly subscription. [ More details here ]( )).
Bug fixes and optimization:
This month, I have spent most of my time to fix the bugs and improve a few things.
For example, I removed the Sign in/up popup form and replaced them by only one page with both forms.
There were some issues on specific devices or browsers, it's now fixed.
If you there is anything you noticed about this version that it's not perfect, feel free to contact me by answering this email.
Looking for writers:
We are looking for new writers on the MD5Online blog!
If you have good skills in MD5/cybersecurity and like to write to teach new things to other, you can probably help us and get some dollars in exchange :)
If you are interested, [ you can find all the details here ]( ).   
[ ]( # ) Quick question
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As you are coming from so many countries, I just want to know which payment do you prefer.
Just click on the corresponding link below to give me the answer.
What is your favorite payment method online?
[ Credit cards ]( ) [ Cryptocurrencies ]( ) [ PayPal, Stripe, etc. ]( ) [ Bank transfer ]( ) [ Others ]( )  
[ ]( # ) Your opinion matters
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My goal on MD5Online is to give you the more useful tools you need.
I have many ideas, but the missing point to prioritize them and add new ones is to know a little more about you and what you're looking for.
If you have any idea to improve the website, [ please fill this form ]( ) and I will do my best to work on it.  
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