Webinar: Four Ways to Take Your Data Security to the Next Level

From: Microsoft Azure Team <azure_at_email.microsoft.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 14:43:17 -0600 (CST)

Join us for our upcoming Azure SQL webinar.
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Azure webinar series</br> Four Ways to Take Your Data Security to the Next Level

<p>Across the security landscape, organizations continue to face challenges that enhance the risk of significant financial loss, damage to market reputation and customer satisfaction. The cloud has been proven to be more secure in many ways than corporate datacenters, and Microsoft&rsquo;s investments in cybersecurity make Azure SQL a trusted destination for your SQL Server data.</p> <p>In this webinar, you will:</p> <ul> <li>Learn how a multi-layered, defense-in-depth approach can optimize your security posture.</li> <li>Experience novel uses of machine learning for monitoring and threat detection that do more on your behalf.</li> <li>Learn how Azure SQL supports confidential computing to control data through its entire lifecycle.</li> <li>Learn best practices for addressing common security requirements.</li> </ul>

Azure webinar series</br> Four Ways to Take Your Data Security to the Next Level
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
10:00 AM–11:00 AM Pacific Time <br> <br>Note: Registering with the button below will sign you up for this event using the email address where you received this mail as well as the full name, contact information, company, and country you previously provided If someone forwarded you this email, you won’t be able to use the instant registration link. <a href= "https://emails.microsoft.com/GxQ0EU00A8JtG0Eq06w0YWb" >Register here</a> instead.

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Microsoft Corporation<br>One Microsoft Way<br>Redmond, WA 98052


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